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Villa Park Little League

Villa Park Little League

Tee Ball - What You Need To Know

Tee ball youth baseball is for boys and girls ages 4, 5, and 6 (for new players) who are just learning the game. Tee Ball is a non-competitive program focused on fun, fitness, and fundamentals where players are first introduced to the basics baseball. Tee ball is a great sport for youngsters to learn about teamwork and cooperation and become introduced to a sport they may play for many years ahead.

Players hit off a tee (no player pitching) and run between bases. Most practices are run by a volunteer coach who gets assistance from several parents. Rules are lax, no score is kept and it's only three innings!

What to Know Before Signing up Your Child for Tee Ball

  • Everybody hits and plays the field.
  • The best glove is the cheapest.
  • The ball is soft. RIF Safety baseballs are used.
  • No score is kept. The "winner" is usually the team with the most players since everybody bats each inning.
  • Fundamentals are the focus.
  • Lots of adult instruction.
  • Expect playing in the dirt, picking dandelions and crying. The only question is will it be your kid and will your camera be ready?

What Does My Child Need for Tee Ball?

Each player will be provided with a uniform shirt and hat. Items that typically need to be purchased by the parent include a helmet, glove, baseball/softball pants, and cleats.

The bats used should be Tee Ball bats, between 25 and 26 inches long and must have be USA approved baseball bats (look for the logo). For first time parents make sure you buy right bat. Tee Ball bats are different from Youth Baseball bats. Also, Tee Ball bats use only be used for soft core baseballs as hard core baseballs can damage a Tee Ball bat.

Please be the players helmet is approved by the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE).

Is 3-years old too young for Tee Ball?

There are many varying opinions on this one and the answer might be different for each child. Most kids at age 3, and even 4, will have short attention spans and might even throw a temper tantrum on the field. However, they might also have fun and learn the joys of baseball and the snack bar after. It's a great way to indoctrinate the kids if it can be a fun experience for the kids.

Another thing to consider is whether the parents are ready. Tee ball is for little kids and as parents we need to expect that results may vary. Parents be prepared for the possibility that their tee-baller may be disinterested, throwing the baseball awkwardly, having difficulty hitting the baseball, or maybe standing in the outfield picking flowers while the game is going on.

Additionally, most leagues do not allow 3 year olds to play Tee Ball. In Little League you have be League Age 4, but it's possible for your child qualify as League Age 4 and be 3-years old. See below to determine your child's Little league Age.

How to Determine Your Child's Little League Tee Ball Age

"League Age"" The Age Determination Date for a Little League Baseball player is the actual age of a child as of August 31 of the current year. See the Little League Age Chart or use the Official Little League Age Calculator to quickly determine your child's League Age.

Tee Ball Drills

The Little League Tee Ball Curriculum is a 10-week plan that features structured learning highlighted by one practice and one game per week. These YouTube videos created by Little League International will help parents and coaches teach children the fundamentals of baseball.

For more Tee Ball tips, visit Little League Tee Ball Curriculum.

Is it T ball or tee ball?

There are actually more options to choose from including T Ball, TBall, T-Ball, Teeball, Tee Ball and Tee-Ball. How Tee Ball is spelled depends on who or what organization is spelling it. Here are the many youth baseball organization and companies and their different spellings.

Little League International: Tee Ball
Pony Baseball: Tee-Ball
Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Baseball: T-Ball
Little Tikes: T-Ball
Franklin Sports: Tee Ball
GoBroBrand: T-Ball
DeMarini: T-Ball
Easton: T-Ball
Spalding: Tee Ball
Rawlings: TBall
ProNine Sports: Tee Ball

About VPLL

VPLL is open to all children between the ages of 4 and 14 as of August 31 of each year. The league is open to players who live or go to school within the established physical boundaries, subject to adherence to established rules and required parental support. VPLL's boundaries include Villa Park and parts of Orange, CA. Orange areas include Serrano Heights, Mabury Ranch, homes located off Via Escola in Orange, the Olive area in Orange and extends as far west as the Santa Ana River.


Villa Park Little League
17852 Santiago Blvd, 1107-239
Villa Park, California 92861

Email: [email protected]

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