John Whiddon | President | [email protected] | Brian Cole | Vice President | | Jessica Dossey | Secretary |
| Chad Casenhiser | Treasurer |
| Andrea Brooks | Information Officer/Social Media & Website | [email protected] | Brian Pharris Larry Pharris | Sponsorship Coordinator Sponsorship Coordinator |
| Katie Tassos | Events Coordinator |
| Fundraiser Coordinator |
| Tracy Paul | Events & Team Parent Coordinator |
| Jon Brucher | Merchandise |
| Vanessa Tipre | Snack Bar Coordinator |
| Lee Tousignant | Uniforms |
| 50/70 and Juniors Coordinator |
| Ben Hanna | Player Agent Upper Division | [email protected] | Jason Walker | Player Agent Lower Division | [email protected] | Todd Thergesen | Lower Division Coordinator |
| Justin Myers Todd Thergesen
| Umpire Coordinator UIC
Umpire Coordinator | | Will and Caroline Suh | Safety Officer | | Matt Cairney | Equipment | | Jordan Czaykowski | Practice Coordinator | | Aaron Sadler | Field Coordinator |
| Matt Williams
Jordan Czaykowski | Field Coordinator
Board Member On Duty Coordinator |
| | | |
Joining the board is a great opportunity to meet new people, be a part of the community, and be a part of your child's Little League experience. It's a fun and rewarding experience that many look back on fondly for a lifetime.
Board of Directors FAQ
VPLL is run entirely by volunteers. Each year, the members elect a new Board of Directors to administer the league for the coming year. The league needs the board to keep things going, and the way we accomplish that goal is by holding an election. VPLL operates under the guidelines of a Constitution that outlines election procedures.
Who is Eligible to be on the BOD?
Any person sincerely interested in active participation to further the objective of VPLL may register to become a Member.
How are BODs elected?
All elections of the Board of Directors shall be by majority vote of all Regular Members present. After the Board of Directors is elected, the Board shall meet to elect the Executive Officers. After the election, the Board of Directors shall assume the performance of its duties immediately.
What is a Regular Member?
Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of children registered with VPLL. Regular Members automatically include current Managers, Coaches, Volunteer Umpires, Board Members, Officers of the Board, and any other person who is recognized by the Board as a volunteer in VPLL.
Who runs for the Board?
Any voting member is eligible to run for the Board. Typically, the candidates are dedicated parents of league players who want to help ensure the league continues to thrive, but other people have served on the Board out of a love of the game and/or the kids in the community even if they don’t have players in the league themselves.
Does a candidate run for a specific office on the Board?
No. Board members are not elected to specific positions. When the new term begins, the Board members determine who will fill which office.
How do I become a member?
Everyone who registered their child this year has the opportunity as a voting member of VPLL.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
You may contact any current BOD member.
VPLL needs Volunteers too! If you're not interested in serving on the board but would like to volunteer in an area of interest please email our league president ([email protected]). We need volunteers to help out with the VPLL fields, events, snack bar, the Taste of Villa Park and much more.